Angular js-1

How to start with angular.js

Angular js is one of the best client side frame work and it is very easy to learn.AngularJS has zero dependencies (not even jQuery or Underscore). I am going to explain here how to set up a basic single page application using angular js...

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Communication between factory file and controller in Angular js

Controller is a JavaScript constructor function that is used to augment the Angular scope. It is communicating with views and factory files and also with directives ,filter etc . Factory files are interacting with backend services through REST API ...

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Loop concept in Angular js

Angular js is providing very easy way to do looping and binding the data into view .You can define the looping concept in controller and can do binding very easily in the view ...

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Filtering concept in Angular JS

You can filter the json data in view itself without doing any extra coding on controller...

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How to use watch concept in Angular js

Watch is a powerful feature of angular js. “$watch” concept in Angular is to observe the changes on the data of the scope from the controller. That is controller can add a listener on an attribute of its scope. Suppose you have to communicate with two different controllers you can use $watch concept. We can explain this with a working example...

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Client side pagination using angular js

Angular js providing a very easy way to do client side pagination.Here i am going to explain about simple client side pagination using angular...

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Save Highchart as binary image.

Highcharts is a very good option for creating Interactive javascript charts for your webpage. Highstock is an another advanced option of highstock. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types....

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Flash message using directive in Angular js.

Directives are markers on a DOM element that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children. Better define all Global controllers in Directives. Ex: Warning message, alert etc. I am going to explain how to display a flash message using directive concept in Angular js.....

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Save highstock as binary image.

Here I am going to explain how to save highstock chart as a binary image ...

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Communicate with controllers in angular js.

There are many ways to communicate with different controllers’ .Here I am going to explain a simple way to share data and communicate between different controllers...

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Rating stars in angular js using directive

Here I am going to explain how to create rating feature using angular js directive concept and send the rating value to backend ( service )...

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Value is not updating in IE-8 - Angular js

I have faced an issue while using angular service, that is value is not updating in IE-8...

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Angular ng-repeat in directive

Here I am going to explain how to create a directive for displaying a dynamic content...

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Date filtering and formatting in Angular js.

Here I am going to explain about angular date filtering concept and how to show the UTC time( local time zone ) using filtering concept.It is always better to create a filter.js file for those filtering concept. Advantage of this is you can very easily filter the data anywhere in your view ...

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Show and hide in Angular js

Using jquery we can do this by $('.loader').hide(); or $('.loader').show();.But as we are using angular js in our application this not a best coding practice, we should do in angular way .And one of the advantage of using angular js is no need to depend on html id or class .So our functionality has no dependency on id or class ...

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Angular js client side sorting

Angular js is providing a very easy way to do client side sorting. Here I am going to explain about a simple client side sorting...

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Angular js auto focus for input box

Create a directive for autofocus and use where ever you need on the module...

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Angular js client side show more pagination

Angular js providing a very easy way to do client side pagination. Here i am going to explain about simple client side show more pagination using angular js...

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Angular js add class to active element

Here I am going to explain how to add active class on dynamically added content or link while on clicking...

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Angular js delete rest service

There is a slight difference in the syntax of angular delete as compared to post and get method...

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Angular Loader using font awesome icons

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. You can improve the performance of your site by using font awesome images ...

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Angular js client side pagination like google.

Here we read about simple angular js client side pagination, now it’s time to do advanced client side pagination. Here i am going to explain about Pagination like google using angular js client side logic. First load all data to UI ...

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Angular js Cookies

Here I am going to explain about how to store login credentials into angular cookies...

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Set headers for all $http calls in angular js

Angular js providing an option to set a common headers for all $http calls (get, post etc).This is very important as part of security, we have to use a authentication token or id that is getting while logging into the application. It is not easy to set authentication id or token manually for all $http calls .So we can attach a common header for all $http calls so that service can read that while making all calls so that application will be more secure...

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Submit form on enter click – Angular js

It is very easy to achieve this in angular js .We can check with one example. Suppose you have one text box inside the form and want to submit on enter key here is the way...

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Auto complete in Angular js

There are lot of examples are available on google for doing autocomplete. But the default angular js auto complete ( typeahead ) has some disadvantages. So I am going to discuss here about how to customize angular typeahead directive...

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File upload and sending data to backend using angular js

Here we are going to discuss about uploading a file and sending to backend...

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Angular switch statement

Here we are going to discuss about angular switch statement...

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Get url parameter using angular js

Using $ you can easily get the query parameter.

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Angular js basic search and filter data with example

Angular js providing a very easy way to implement basic search and filter data using very less of code....

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Angular select all/de select all checkbox

Let us check how we can make select/deselect check box using angular js .....

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Angular directive for scroll top.

If user is at the bottom of the page give an option to navigate to top of the page by clicking an arrow or button. We can create a simple directive to achieve this. .....

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Apply track by index and filter for ng-repeat: Angular

Angular default ng-repeat doesn't allow duplicate, for avoiding this you can add track by $index......

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Difference between ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end: Angular

ng-repeat and ng-repeat-start works similar and for ng-repeat-start required an ng-repeat-end. We can check in detail with examples.......

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Disable submit button until all mandatory fields are filled - Angular

Here I am going to explain how we can disable a submit button using a simple reusable directive until all the mandatory fields are filled.Let us start with a simple form first......

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Ng-option or ng-repeat in select tag and issue with ng-options in Angular

I came across this many times which one will be better to use, ng-option or ng-repeat while dealing with select tags. Let us see first how the code looks like.......

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Add and remove active class on click Angular

Here I have explained (Add class to an active element) about adding a class on click. But if we need to remove the active class on clicking the item again. Let us check how it will work......

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Add a class for everything clicked - angular

Let us see how we can add class on all clicked elements in angular way. It is very simple just need minor changes in html...

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Toggle click on dynamic menu items - Angular

Let us check how we can add class to all clicked elements and to remove the same on another click. It is pretty straight forwarded in Angular js...

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Catch connection timeout error | catch all status code for http | get query parameter and headers from http - Angular js

It is very important to capture timeout and other errors to handle the exceptions gracefully. Angular js http provides an easy way to capture all of them. Let us check with an example....

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